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Name:  Elaine Hensiek Lamond

I twirled with Diane's Twirlettes from:  1968-1971

When I twirled I lived in:  Woburn

I now live in:  The Lakes Region of NH

After high school I:  Moved to Southern New Hampshire, married and started our family.

Currently I:  Am employed by Concord School District.  I work in Special Education at the High School and run our program's greenhouse.


My most memorable twirling moment:  I entered a water ski competition.  (Bear with me.) Trying to come up with something clever to do, I decided I would twirl my baton while water skiing.  All was going well.  I was twirling away skiing across the lake and feeling pretty confident until I dropped my baton!  Needless to say, my baton sunk to the bottom of lake and I didn't exactly come home with a trophy! 


What I liked best about twirling:  Practicing with my friends, doing double routines and mastering new tricks.  I also liked marching in the parades in Boston and, of course, the Halloween Parade in Woburn.

What life lessons I learned from twirling:  ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS wear a smile!   NEVER, NEVER, NEVER say, "I can't."
My twirling teacher was:  Diane
I still take my baton out once in a while True/False:  Absolutely True!  I take off my rings and try to remember my old routine. I drop it a lot, but it's still fun!  I love finger twirls!
Other: I enjoy kayaking different lakes in New Hampshire.  My husband and I live a quiet life with our dog.  Our two sons are grown and have homes of their own.  It's hard to believe it has been over forty years since I took baton lessons!
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